Indianapolis Chapter of the American Marketing Association


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Volunteer Spotlight: Cristina Melendez

Get to know Cristina Melendez!

Cristina Melendez, Account Manager at Borshoff

Cristina Melendez, Account Manager at Borshoff

1. Name: Cristina Melendez

2. Member Since: 2017

3. Day Job: Account Manager at Borshoff, a full-service Advertising and PR agency

4. What my day job entails: I help manage our advertising and brand accounts, leading the conceptualization, development and implementation of campaigns.

5. What I find most interesting/exciting about marketing: I love that marketing is constantly evolving. There are always new ways to help brands succeed, as well as new ways to communicate with your audience. I enjoy being in a profession that keeps me on my feet and motivates me to continue to learn every day.

6. What I enjoy about AMA Indy/Why I got involved: I believe that AMA provides its members with great opportunities to learn and network, which is one of the main reasons why I joined. I wanted to get involved to help the organization continue grow and promote all it has to offer.

7. What I do for fun: You can usually find me trying out new restaurants, binge watching Netflix shows on a slow night or listening to my favorite podcasts.

8. You may be surprised to know that… I didn’t get my license to drive until I was 21

9. Ways to connect with me: LinkedIn

Alli Donovan